
Episode 0 - What is Decimos?

In this episode, I outline what Decimos is, our mission, and how to become an Ambassador.

All videos can be accessed through Youtube! Please send in any questions you may have about mental-social-emotional health, handling school, or communication skills. Don't forget to subscribe and like! So far, we have 7 episodes, check Youtube for updates!


(All videos are linked with descriptions below!)

"How do I study?"

In this episode, I outline techniques to prioritize assignments, study methods, and time management methods I have used to study efficiently!

"What is Mental Health?"

This video also includes other questions like "Can mental illness be prevented?", "What causes mental illness", and "What are some signs of depression?" I would like to preface this video by saying I am not a licensed professional so the answers I mention here are researched from credible sources. I would also like to voice a trigger warning now for viewers that are uncomfortable with mental health topics. If you need serious help, please call the NAMI Chicago Help Line: 833-NAMI-CHI (626-4244)

Here, I outline what mental health means, what causes mental illness, and whether or not mental illness can be prevented. I also respond to the question "What are some signs of depression?" I also discuss some strategies I use personally to keep my mind healthy.

"How do I deal with my hair as a white woman?"

Today, my ambassador Vanessa answers a questions from one of our viewers, "How do I deal with my hair as a white woman?" Vanessa details her personal experience and the exact process and products she uses to care for her hair!

"Is it bad to want children at a young age?"

In this episode, I detail the stories and personal experiences of 3 adults who had children at a young age. They bravely shard their personal accounts to attempt to answer this very subjective question.

"What is same-sex marriage?"

My ambassador June and I answer the questions, "What is same-sex marriage?", "Why is it controversial?", and "Is it a sin to be in the LGBTQ+ community?" We answer this with our own research and personal opinions on the subject matter and provide some history on Pride Month!

"How are good habits built and maintained?"

In this episode, I detail how to build good habits and maintain them! I share a personal habit I have built and some strategies you can use to build your own good habits!

"How do I give a speech?"

In this video, I detail how to give an essential guide to delivering a speech, whether it's a debate, presentation, or election speech!

Back to School: School Supplies!

Today, as a part of my Back to School series, I detail some tips I learned during my freshman year when compiling school supplies and preparing for the year ahead!

Back to School: Motivation Tips!

School can be busy, so how do we keep consistent motivation? In this video, I share the tips I have gained over the years to motivate myself! 

Pack My Bag With Me: What you NEED to know BEFORE SCHOOL!

What do you need to pack for high school? Today, I show you exactly what I put in my backpack as a sophomore in high school as a quick guide! 

How to deal with a BAD SCHEDULE

In this video, I talk about various strategies to change your schedule and/or just deal with a difficult one!

"How do I get people to respect my pronouns without being too pushy?"

In this video, Decimos Ambassador Lily shares their perspective on their process of changing pronouns to fit their gender identity and I cite recommendations from professionals. DISCLAIMER: My ambassador and I are not professionals, everything we talk about is either research or personal account. If you are in danger, I urge you to contact a helpline for professional assistance.