Fill out this form to send anonymous questions about mental-emotional-social health and issues you or a friend may be struggling with -->> Decimos Anonymous Question Submission Form!
What can the Questions be about?
Mental health
Social health
Emotional health
Personal identity
Non-Abusive Conflict
Communication skill building
And more!
Remember that you are not alone and any questions you have WILL be submitted anonymously and WILL be answered with thorough research and by someone with a similar perspective. Every question will be answered with respect and deep thought. Questions are about mental, social, and emotional health. This may include questions about feeling stressed at school, conflicts with people in your life, and etc.
Neither my ambassadors or I are licensed professionals so the answers we mention here are researched from credible sources or from personal experience. If you or someone you know needs serious help, please call the NAMI Chicago Help Line: 833-NAMI-CHI (626-4244) or go to https://www.namichicago.org/resources#:~:text=Just%20call%20NAMI%20Chicago's%20Helpline,you%20to%20whatever%20you%20need.